SBM Offshore N : launches Float4WindTM


On March 30th SBM Offshore launched its new floating wind energy solution, Float4WindTM. Float4WindTM is the second-generation of SBM Offshore's innovative offshore wind floater technology, a key aspect of the Company's long-term strategy to support the energy transition.

The new and improved version of the Tension Leg Platform (TLP) design, a technology historically utilized in traditional oil & gas production, is ideal for harnessing offshore wind power due to its low motion. SBM Offshore can offer clients a solution that provides a number of benefits. These include a reduced seabed footprint, an optimized annual energy production now combined with a simpler design addressing the challenges of industrialization. Crucially, the technology is scalable to larger capacity turbines and is suitable for deeper water and harsher sea conditions.

The launch of Float4WindTM was held via an online event on LinkedIn. At the event, members of SBM Offshore's senior management team, including CEO Bruno Chabas, presented the product and described the value that the technology, made possible by SBM Offshore's offshore expertise, can bring to the energy transition. You can see a replay of the event here:

SBM Offshore is now actively engaging with clients in the floating offshore wind market with the ambition to play a key role in further developing this valuable source of renewable energy.

For more information about Float4Wind™ see the brochure.


SBM Offshore NV published this content on 30 March 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 30 March 2022 14:22:09 UTC.